AttractCoinsAndPurpleCoinsUponSpinning |
AttractCoinsStarBitsAndPurpleCoinsUponSpinning |
CoinsKills |
CrashDebugger |
Treeki |
DisableCometRetryMenu |
KeepCoinsWhenDying |
dcx2 |
LoadSpecifiedGalaxyOnFileSelected |
SetMaxHealth |
SpinToFly |
SpinToThrowFireball |
brkirch |
SpinWorksInNewSave |
StarSelectAlwaysLoadsSpecifiedStar |
360Camera |
Bavario |
Allows you to hold D-Pad Left/Right to spin the camera around. Source: https://github.com/bavario-lginc/SMG2OdysseyCam |
AlwaysFlyingMario |
AlwaysIceMario |
AlwaysLuigi |
BowserChanceCube |
Marionumber1 |
Always spawn a Goomba when spinning an ItemDice. |
ChangeroomAlwaysOpen |
CrashDebugger |
Treeki |
Displays an information screen that can be scrolled through to debug a game crash. |
DisableCoStarLuma |
DisableFlyIns |
Disables all Fly-In Cutscenes at the start of the Galaxy. |
DisableLowBatteryWarning |
DisableLuigiIntrusively |
DisablePowerStarChanceMusic |
DiveAndGPJ |
Bavario |
Allows you to perform a Dive when pressing C, and a Ground Pound Jump. Source: https://github.com/bavario-lginc/DiveAndGPJ |
DontPantOrLeanOverOn1Health |
dcx2 |
DryBonesStayDead |
dcx2 |
FileIsntExistPatch |
Evanbowl |
A patch to deal with the infamous "File isn't exist" error. |
FlyingMarioCanWallJump |
ForceCoStarLuma |
InfiniteYoshiFlutterJump |
dcx2 |
KeepCoinsWhenDying |
dcx2 |
LoadSpecifiedGalaxyOnFileSelected |
Loads the specified Galaxy with a specified scenario when choosing "Play" on the File Select Screen. |
Multiplayer |
Enables true Multiplayer with Mario and Luigi using the first and second Wiimotes. Source: https://github.com/MasterofGalaxies/smg2-multiplayer |
NoAutomaticDiveDownWhenFlying |
wiiztec |
NormalMarioCanStandOnBeeFlowerHover |
NormalMarioCanStandOnCloudStep |
NormalMarioCanStandOnKoopaJrCastleCloudStep |
NormalMarioCanStandOnSpinCloudBlock |
OSReportToUSBGecko |
Ported from the Priiloader System Menu hack |
Redirects OSReport messages to a USB Gecko in slot B. This provides a way for OSReports to be read when running the game on a real console. NOTE: The game will not boot with this patch enabled if there is not a USB Gecko in GameCube memory card slot B. |
OneUpMushroomsNeverDisappear |
dcx2 |
OtherYoshiEggsDontDespawnWhenOneIsBroken |
PowerStarsAlwaysSolid |
brkirch |
SetMaxHealth |
Sets the maximum possible health you can heal up to. |
ShakeNunchukToFly |
brkirch and dcx2 |
Silence1HealthWarning |
dcx2 |
SlopeGlitch |
Bavario |
Restores the slope glitch in Super Mario Galaxy 2 |
SpinToFly |
Allows you to use the Red Star's flying ability anywhere. |
SpinWorksInNewSave |