Super Mario 128

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Revision as of 02:03, 23 June 2023 by MasterLuma (talk | contribs)
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Super Mario 128 was a GameCube tech demo shown at the Nintendo Space World trade show in 2000. It's simply 128 Marios trying to push each other off to their deaths. Despite never being released to the public, the technology/code of the demo would later appear in the Pikmin games, Super Mario Galaxy and other JSYSTEM games.

The director of Super Mario 128, Yoshiaki Koizumi, would go on to serve as the director of Super Mario Galaxy.

Interestingly, there is an unused AST (Audio Stream) file present in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat's (Wii) AudioRes/Stream folder- named smw.ast (likely an acronym for Super Mario World, oddly enough) where when played, seems to perfectly match the music used for the Super Mario 128 demo. If this is truly a perfect match of the audio used for Super Mario 128, or at least extremely similar to it, then this would be the only content we have from the demo, since no other assets were ever publically shared (as stated above).

Several YouTube videos with footage of the live demo from people who attended Spaceworld 2000 are available, being the only other remnants of this piece of 3D Mario history. Some, but not all included: