35th Anniversary Direct SMG Clip

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On September 12, 2020, Nintendo published their Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary Direct. At 14:39 in this video, a clip of Super Mario Galaxy is shown.

Some points to note about this clip:

  • When long jumping at the beginning of the clip, Mario's E3 2006 long jump voice is heard. This was widely noticed and reported on.
  • It's 480p, so it was recorded on the Wii, not the newly developed Nintendo Switch port.
  • The game's background music isn't playing; the Gusty Garden music is edited in (enough evidence by itself that this isn't a recording of any retail build).

It's possible that Nintendo used preexisting video of Super Mario Galaxy. This seems plausible given the second point above and given the number of games shown; it's unlikely that Nintendo played and recorded all of them for the creation of this direct. It's also worth nothing that the Super Mario Sunshine clip at 14:05 in that same video uses coin sounds from a 1995 Super Mario 64 demo.
