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Resarc is Nintendo's internal RARC archiver.

The existence of an internal tool for managing RARC archives is a basic assumption, but the name is known from /ObjectData/DemoMario.arc/demomario/demomario.xnim:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS" ?> 
		<create user="hayakat" host="" date="2006-01-11T18:52:56" source="Resource\dvdroot\ObjectData\DemoMario.arc" />
		<generator name="Resarc" version="1.5.3" />
		<group name="demomario">
			<name id="0">demomario/demomario.bmd</name>
			<name id="1">demomario/wait.bck</name>
			<name id="2">demomario/walk.bck</name>

The Japanese comment translates to "Correspondence information with index and resource file's path name". hayakat is Takeshi Hayakawa, the game's lead programmer.